WordPress Logo remodeled in 3D

The Basis was the flat WordPress logo above. From that I generated different 3D-Pictures and Animations. See below:

Please click on the picture for a bigger display:

… and here the badge spinning:

I offered the 3D-model of the WordPress Logo to the WordPress Foundation for free. They did not answer.

A presentation on sketchfab.com for easy integration in a WordPress website depends on the ok of the foundation.

The following .dae display with Canvasio3D is also interaktiv with mouse drag and zoom:

[canvasio3D width=“320″ height=“320″ border=“1″ borderCol=“#606AB6″ dropShadow=“0″ backCol=“#FFFFFF“ backImg=“…“ mouse=“on“ rollMode=“off“ rollSpeedH=“0″ rollSpeedV=“0″ objPath=“https://prudenter-agas.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Wordpress-3-W-bevel.dae“ objScale=“8″ objColor=““ lightSet=“7″ reflection=“off“ refVal=“5″ objShadow=“off“ floor=“off“ floorHeight=“42″ lightRotate=“off“ Help=“off“] [/canvasio3D]